· 2 min read

Video: Time to upgrade your GameAnalytics SDK

We are aware of you lot’s tendency to not meddle with things that already work. Sticking to the same version of Unity until the game is finished, that probably sounds familiar. But we have been deploying some important changes to the GameAnalytics SDKs and it is crucial for you to upgrade to the latest version in order to benefit from the new wave of features.

Can’t wait? Get your SDK upgrade here 

Here is a rundown on what you are missing out on, if you decide not to upgrade:

More user segmentation dimensions

All GameAnalytics SDKs are now designed to submit user information automatically at the beginning of the game session. New segmentation dimensions, such as platform, device and operating system are automatically populated based on these fields.

For more information, visit the User event structure article on the GameAnalytics Support Forums and individual SDK pages.

The Quality event category was replaced by the Error event category

The Quality event category is now obsolete and will not show up anywhere in the GameAnalytics tool. The new Quality Dashboard is only compatible with the new Error event category. It has a severity level attached to it and can display complete error stack traces. Performance metrics such as average FPS and critical FPS will be added to the Quality Dashboard in the near future.

For more information, visit the Error and Quality event structure article on the GameAnalytics Support Forums and individual SDK pages.

Acquisition Source Tracking

Due to our recent partnership with HasOffers, your players can now also be segmented based on acquisition source. All SDKs provide methods for extracting the user ID generated by GameAnalytics, in order to pass it to the Mobile App Tracking SDK and thus tie users between the two platforms. For more information, please read the GameAnalytics – MobileAppTracking integration article on the GameAnalytics Support Forums.

If you are using the GameAnalytics SDK for Android, you can also obtain acquisition source information directly through Google Play.

If you prefer, let Simon, our Lead SDK developer, give you the news in a nutshell.