GameAnalytics 启动板
GameAnalytics Launchpad 为雄心勃勃的开发人员打开了大门,每年投资 6,000 美元用于 GameAnalytics 产品和服务,使他们能够做出数据支持的决策并快速扩大规模。
无论您是想利用我们的 Pro 功能探索玩家参与度、使用 GameIntel 将自己与竞争对手进行比较,还是使用 DataSuite 深入研究原始数据,您都可以选择使用哪种 GameAnalytics 数据解决方案。如果您不确定,我们随时准备帮助您进行选择。
受到 60,000 多家游戏工作室的信赖
谁有资格使用 Launchpad?
要符合资格,您的工作室必须在过去 12 个月内从领先的游戏风险投资公司获得资金。此外,您的工作室不应与主要发行商有联系,而应专注于独立发展。
您是一位希望加入 GameAnalytics 启动计划的风险投资人吗?
GameIntel 通过结合行业基准和商店情报,为开发人员提供游戏性能的整体视图。通过根据行业标准对游戏进行基准测试并分析商店排名,开发人员可以获得有关玩家偏好、市场趋势和绩效指标的宝贵见解。 了解 GameIntel。
DataSuite 是一个多功能工具包,可帮助您从 GameAnalytics 平台访问原始数据、玩家级别数据和聚合指标。所有 Pro 功能都包含在该捆绑包中。 阅读更多。
符合 GameAnalytics Launchpad 资格的工作室每月将获得 500 美元的积分,他们可以将其用于购买任何 GameAnalytics 产品或服务,并在扩展工作室时避免财务障碍。
注册后,工作室可以使用此权益 12 个月。
该计划的核心是每月 500 美元的 GameAnalytics 服务信用额度,为期 12 个月,总计 6000 美元。随着每月活跃用户 (MAU) 的增长,您可以享受额外的扩展折扣,确保根据您工作室的需求量身定制经济高效的解决方案。
I use Game Analytics on a daily basis to keep an eye on the key KPIs for all of our games. It is an essential tool for all data driven gaming studios. Highly recommended.
Game Analytics help us to understand at the player behaviour in both macro and micro level. We rely on it.
The tools from GameAnalytics have helped us increase our monetization performance by up to 30% for several of our Messenger titles.
Thanks to GameAnalytics, we make decisions about player engagement by using heaps of custom events with relative ease.
GameAnalytics is an essential tool to help us understand how people are playing Crossy Road - love it!
We use GameAnalytics to get all the insight we need about our players on all platforms, from iOS to FB Instant.
We absolutely love GameAnalytics. The real-time metrics are a lifesaver for tracking our campaigns.
Our continued success is dependent on GameAnalytics providing critical gaming KPIs at our fingertips.
GameAnalytics is a great platform for all your analytics basics +some. It’s an easy way to have all your main KPIs in one place and to quickly find improvements in your game design. We’ve doubled KPIs in many games by using GameAnalytics.
I really like the game analytics platform.
GameAnalytics has proven to be a very reliable partner for us when it comes to measuring the KPIs in our games. Their team is always looking for feedback and to add key features that we feel would help us better understand our players.
Games are art undoubtedly, but we use science to create art and rely on GameAnalytics to differentiate Snakeio from competition based on player behavior; in real-time!
GameAnalytics is a simple and powerful tool that we use in our every mobile game. It helps us to track player behaviour, so we know exactly which issues in user experience and monetization can be improved.