If you believe that any content displayed on GameAnalytics, including its products and services, whether on our website or dashboard, infringes your copyright, please use the form below to notify us. We take intellectual property rights seriously and will promptly investigate any claims of infringement.
How to Submit a Copyright Claim
To ensure we can properly address your claim, please provide the following information:
- A description of the copyrighted work you believe has been infringed.
- The specific URL or location of the allegedly infringing content (on our website or within any GameAnalytics product or service).
- Your contact information (name and email).
- A statement that the complaint is made in good faith and that you have the legal right to act on behalf of the copyright holder.
Once we receive your claim, we will review it and take appropriate action, including removing any content that is found to infringe copyright.
Copyright Infringement Reporting