Metrics API
您的游戏 KPI,随时可用
以编程方式将指标引入您的内部系统,在您首选的 BI 工具中可视化数据,并将所有 KPI 整合到一个位置以查看特定游戏或整个产品组合的趋势。
受到 60,000 多家游戏工作室的信赖
随时随地获取您的关键 KPI
借助 Metrics API,您可以提取有关玩家行为、保留率、货币化等的数据。所有内容均经过预处理、聚合,可供您使用。
- 创建内部仪表板以实时查看 KPI
- 在不改变环境的情况下监控活跃的活动
- 根据预处理的数据开发自定义报告
- 跨多个游戏或工作室的聚合指标
让您的指标以关键利益相关者需要的任何格式提供给他们,而无需访问 GameAnalytics 仪表板中的自定义报告。
Game data pipeline: Building vs buying
As large number of studios, publishers, and game developers are heavily relying on data to guide their decisions, they need to decide between building or buying. But which one is more efficient?
轻松获取数据供分析师在任何 BI 工具中使用,而无需考虑基础设施成本。
使用 Metrics API 分析数千个标题
在 Metrics API 的帮助下,世界领先的发行商之一能够在自己的定制发行平台上评估数千款游戏,帮助他们以低成本选出最有前途的新试发行游戏。
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Trusted, secure & stable
依靠我们无与伦比的大规模稳定性和 99.9999% 的正常运行时间保证,确保不间断地访问您的数据。
#1 值得信赖的服务
14 年
I use Game Analytics on a daily basis to keep an eye on the key KPIs for all of our games. It is an essential tool for all data driven gaming studios. Highly recommended.
Game Analytics help us to understand at the player behaviour in both macro and micro level. We rely on it.
The tools from GameAnalytics have helped us increase our monetization performance by up to 30% for several of our Messenger titles.
Thanks to GameAnalytics, we make decisions about player engagement by using heaps of custom events with relative ease.
GameAnalytics is an essential tool to help us understand how people are playing Crossy Road - love it!
We use GameAnalytics to get all the insight we need about our players on all platforms, from iOS to FB Instant.
We absolutely love GameAnalytics. The real-time metrics are a lifesaver for tracking our campaigns.
Our continued success is dependent on GameAnalytics providing critical gaming KPIs at our fingertips.
GameAnalytics is a great platform for all your analytics basics +some. It’s an easy way to have all your main KPIs in one place and to quickly find improvements in your game design. We’ve doubled KPIs in many games by using GameAnalytics.
I really like the game analytics platform.
GameAnalytics has proven to be a very reliable partner for us when it comes to measuring the KPIs in our games. Their team is always looking for feedback and to add key features that we feel would help us better understand our players.
Games are art undoubtedly, but we use science to create art and rely on GameAnalytics to differentiate Snakeio from competition based on player behavior; in real-time!
GameAnalytics is a simple and powerful tool that we use in our every mobile game. It helps us to track player behaviour, so we know exactly which issues in user experience and monetization can be improved.