Author profile

Matej Lancaric

UA & Marketing Consultant
User Acquisition cover image
9 min read
#User Acquisition

User Acquisition โ€“ The New Frontier of Game Development

Is mobile F2P dead? No, not quite. But things are changing. In this article, Matej Lancaric addresses the current mobile market, with tips on how to get your games to the top of the app stores.
Frozen City Cover Image
16 min read
#Ads & Monetization

Frozen City post-IDFA global launch UA case study

In this case study, Matej Lancaric deconstructs Frozen City from Century Games, to find out how they went from $1 million a month in 2020, to $20 million a month today.
12 min read

A Guide To Soft-Launching Your Mobile Game

Every developer who thinks he doesnโ€™t need to soft launch his game is, in my opinion, simply wrong. A successful soft launch is the best way to optimise your game for global launch. Soft-launching allows developers to collect data, identify bugs and receive early feedback from players. A soft launch will provide you with the opportunity to test your server infrastructure and ensure it will be able to handle the load of a global launch. For free-to-play games, and especially for those with in-app purchases, it is important to determine how well the game will do globally and if it has a good retention profile and monetisation mechanics. This will tell you if your game will be profitable and you should aim for global launch or simply kill it. If you plan on looking for a publisher for your game,...