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Anne Verhoeven

Senior Marketing Producer
Adjust Email Marketing
9 min read

Your 101 guide to email marketing to mobile apps

Email marketing is a critical part of a healthy overall marketing strategy. A study by the UK-based Direct Marketing Association (DMA) found that for every £1 you spend on email marketing, you can expect a return of £42. Additionally, Statista found that 49% of consumers like receiving weekly promotional emails from their favorite brands. But there are some common mistakes to avoid when adopting email marketing. In this guide to email marketing for mobile applications, we are going to: Define what email marketing means for mobile applications Discover why email marketing is important Outline how to build your email marketing strategy Share best practices for marketing your mobile apps via email What is an email marketing strategy? Marketing emails can be used to send regular newsletters, essential updates, and promotional offers to your users. You can be hugely successful at...