What's new

Wall of Updates

Discover new features, performance enhancements, and usability improvements—all designed to help you track and optimize your games more effectively.


August 28, 2024
Date picker

Current Day filter enabled

You can now select 'Current Day' to view real-time metrics as they come in. Use the toggle anywhere within the platform with a date picker.

August 1, 2024

Schedule Organization Reports

You can now review the performance of games across your Organization on-the-go. Schedule daily, weekly or monthly reports - delivered straight to your inbox.

Customize your report by selecting either:

  1. Overview: For standard metrics like DAU, New Users, Playtime & Sessions, or
  2. Revenue: For monetization metrics like Total Revenue, Impression Revenue & IAP Revenue, or
  3. Top 50 Games: For a report on your most important games, sorted by the metric of your choice
July 23, 2024
Data Export

Export your game data to Google Cloud Storage

You can now choose between exporting your game data to an AWS S3 bucket, or Google Cloud Storage. Export your game data to a cloud storage solution to:

  • Perform custom analyses on aggregated and user-level events
  • Integrate GameAnalytics data with other data sources
  • Transfer your data into existing internal tools for visualization
July 23, 2024
A/B Testing

A/B Test Improvements

We released a few updates to our A/B Tests, giving you more customization with your experiments. You can now:

  • Add up to 10 variants
  • Run up to 100 A/B tests at a time
  • Include newer builds automatically in your A/B test
  • Change the distribution of variant weights, or keep it equal
July 23, 2024
A/B Testing

A/B Test Improvements

We released a few updates to our A/B Tests, giving you more customization with your experiments. You can now:

  • Add up to 10 variants
  • Run up to 100 A/B tests at a time
  • Include newer builds automatically in your A/B test
  • Change the distribution of variant weights, or keep it equal
July 11, 2024
A/B Testing

Filter by A/B Test in Funnels & Explore

You can now filter, group and split data by A/B Test and A/B Test variant in Explore & Funnels - for a deeper analysis of your player behaviour.

June 18, 2024
A/B Testing

Updated A/B Testing Results

We listened to your feedback and updated how A/B test results are calculated. Instead of a single aggregated metric, we now account for variations in user activity day by day - providing better insights into daily user engagement and aligning with the metrics available in Explore.

June 13, 2024

New revenue and monetization overview

We aim to support developers and publishers with option to track their revenue as well as expand on their possibilities with alternative solutions and tracking integrations. Newly, you are able to track your Web Shop revenue in our updated Monetization Overview.

May 30, 2024

Event collection status

You can now control which games you track in GameAnalytics without updating your SDK. Choose between collecting all events, only session events, or disabling event collection all together.

May 22, 2024
New metrics

New ILRD metrics in Explore

We added ILRD Count Per DAU and ILRD Revenue Per DAU reporting the revenue or count for Impressions (ads shown by an Ad Mediation SDK) divided by all DAU. Additionally, you can also access ILRD by placement.