Author profile

Justin Chen

Co-founder of PickFu
5 min read
#Data & Analytics

Making Better Game Decisions with Feedback Testing

You might be familiar with the concept of split testing. Also known as A/B testing, split testing compares different versions of your assets to see how each performs with your players. At the conclusion of your test, you adopt the variant that showed the best response. Split testing is a critical part of the game development process. Itโ€™s pretty much baked into any user acquisition campaign, with ad creatives and app store assets quick and easy to A/B test. But a traditional split testโ€™s quantitative data can only tell you so much. And this kind of testing is only possible once the game is up and running. Thatโ€™s why feedback testing is so important. It provides qualitative data to show you the why behind what is and isnโ€™t working. What is feedback testing? Feedback testing is essentially surveying players to...