
Store Intelligence Search
Search for any game and get a detailed overview of its rank, release date, user rating and more.

Currency Selector
Set a global currency in your personal settings to view revenue metrics in your preferred currency. You can also override it per query in Explore, or when creating Dashboard widgets, for flexible analysis and reporting.
A/B Test Email Notification
Get an update in your inbox once your A/B test has finished.
App Comparison (Downloads & Revenue)
Compare revenue and download trends across multiple games (or apps) in one view.
Dashboard sharing
1. Keep Dashboards private, or share with all users in your Organization.
2. Make Dashboards available for all games in your Organization - no more duplicating needed. Available only on Pro.
Ad Network Distribution in Percentages
Easily compare the ad networks games (or apps) use to distribute their ads and campaigns.
MarketIQ: Creative Group, Similar Audience Apps, Growth Analysis
Creative Group
↪ See campaigns grouped by images, videos, and playables to get a combined benchmark or inspiration on how to turn one idea into multiple ad formats
Similar Audience Apps
↪ Search your game to find up to 200 similar apps that are grabbing your players' attention. Spot new competitors in categories you may not expect.
Growth Analysis
↪ You can now sort creatives by how their growth rate has changed over time.
Health Percentile Charts
View your health data as percentile charts or histograms. The choice is yours.
New A/B Testing features: Custom end dates and results views
- End date as completion criteria: You can now set a specific test duration or let it run until a winner is found for your goal metric - your test, your rules.
- Custom results view: Create a custom view so you can directly compare the metrics that matter most to you.
New A/B Testing Metrics
We've added Cumulative Revenue, APRDAU for IAP and IAA, Paying User Rate (PUR) and a bunch of other requested metrics to A/B Testing.