GameAnalytics Launchpad

Enabling startup studios to scale with data solutions

Designed to support startup game developers backed by leading gaming VCs, our program aims to nurture talent and fuel growth for the next generation of up-and-coming game creators.

The GameAnalytics Launchpad opens doors for ambitious developers by investing $6.000 yearly towards spending on GameAnalytics products and services enabling them make data-backed decisions and scale at pace.

It is up to you to choose what GameAnalytics data solutions to use, whether you are looking to explore your player engagement with our Pro features, compare yourself to competitors using GameIntel or deep dive into raw data with DataSuite. And in case you're not sure, we are ready to help you with selection.

Trusted by 60,000+ gaming studios

Get your startup ready to scale

Who qualifies for Launchpad?

To be eligible, your studio must have secured funding from leading gaming VCs within the last 12 months. Additionally, your studio should not have ties to a major publisher, focusing instead on independent growth.

Currently, we are accepting applications from startup studios backed by VCs listed below. Do not see your partner there, yet? We suggest keeping an eye on this list as we expand VC alliances.

byFounders logo Dreamcraft logo

Are you a VC looking to join the GameAnalytics’ startup program?

What do you get?

GameAnalytics products and services

Investment and offer duration

Setting scaling gaming studios up for success

Studios that qualify for the GameAnalytics Launchpad will receive monthly credit of $500 which they can spend on any GameAnalytics product or service and avoid financial hurdles when scaling your studio.

After enrollment, studios can use this benefit for 12 months.

The core of this program is $500 in monthly credit towards GameAnalytics services for 12 months, totaling $6000. Benefit from additional scaling discounts as your Monthly Active Users (MAU) grow, ensuring cost-effective solutions tailored to your studio's needs.

Once the program comes to its end, pricing returns to standard rates, providing continued access to our robust analytics platform. Extensions are not granted but can be tied to further investment from VCs.

Apply now

Unlock premium analytics for your startup games studio

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