Game Deconstructions
#Game Deconstructions
Beating Candy Crush Saga
Michail Katkoff is back with more game analytics goodies. In this post specifically, he will dissect one of the most succesful games of all time, Candy Crush Saga, and give you tips on dethroning the king of social gaming, none other than King (pun intended). So read on.
#Game Deconstructions
Behind the Success of Hay Day
In this guest post, Michail Katkoff combines his game analytics wisdom with the hands-on experience of Timur Haussila, Product Lead at Supercell, to tell you the story of the studio's game Hay Day, from the very first idea to launch. Read on to see the results of this uncanny balet of ideas.
#Ads & Monetization
How Rage of Bahamut Monetizes
This third post from Michail Katkoff, game analytics expert and friend of GameAnalytics, puts the spotlight on Rage of Bahmut - a game of contrasts. Michail explains how this game can effectively monetize players, while otherwise being bland, annoying and lacking polish.
#Ads & Monetization
How to Monetize an Infinite Runner
Michail Katkoff, Product Manager at Supercell, is back with yet another witty post. Michail is an expert in making profitable games using game analytics and an overall great guy and friend of GameAnalytics. This second post is a complex analysis on what defines a successful infinite runner game. Ladies and gentlemen, Michail Katkoff: