
Game Deconstructions

Rocket League Sideswipe
7 min read
#Game Deconstructions

From console to pocket: How to adapt your game for mobile

Adapting your game to mobile is no walk in the park. Yoru controls are different, you have a much smaller screen size, and you're much more limited with the hardware. And yet, Psyonix nailed this perfectly. Here’s what we can learn from them.
Zelda review cover image
11 min read
#Game Deconstructions

Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom – A Masterclass in Sequel Design

Tears of the Kingdom adds another tenet to its game: Creative exploration. And that’s why it appeals to absolutely everyone. We look at exactly what we can learn from Tears of the Kingdom and how its design philosophy helps the game appeal to every type of gamer out there.
8 min read
#Game Deconstructions

Behind Lifeline’s Success: An Interview with 3 Minute Games

Lifeline was one of the first mobile games to use push notifications as a core mechanic for their game, which led them to over a million downloads and seven sequels. But what was the secret sauce that led to such success? We spoke with Mars Jokela – Lifeline’s game designer – and Dave Justus – the writer behind the scenes – to ask them what advice they had for other developers and what it was about Lifeline that worked.
Sugartown cover image
6 min read
#Game Deconstructions

Exploring Sugartown: Zynga’s NFT-Powered Universe

As Zynga releases their first Web3 game – Sugartown. Rather than in-app purchases or advertising, the game would rely on players buying, trading (and potentially earning) assets. Here's everything we know, and what it means for you.
Tennis clash cover image
7 min read
#Game Deconstructions

How Tennis Clash scored a golden set

Tennis Clash was one of the most downloaded mobile games in 78 countries when it launched. And it’s had over 50 million downloads on Google Play alone. We look into some of the key factors of its success.
Pistol Whip Cover
9 min read
#Game Deconstructions

Cloudhead Games’ advice on jumping into the VR Market

In the next five years, almost a third of people will have a headset of some description, and there’ll be about 2.5 billion players. But how do you make the shift to this incredibly lucrative new area? We asked Cloudhead Games.
Resolution Games Cover
8 min read
#Game Deconstructions

Why Resolution Games believes mixed reality is a new frontier

Augmented and virtual reality are steadily on the rise. And game developers are now seeing an opportunity to branch out and create mixed-reality experiences. We speak with one of the key players in the space, Resolution Games, to get their advice on breaking into the sector.
13 min read
#Game Deconstructions

Marvel Snap, Marvel Contest, CoD Mobile: What makes them a mass market hit?

What does the stellar mass market success of games like Marvel Snap, Marvel Contest of Champions and CoD Mobile share in common? No, it’s not just that they are all popular IP/Franchises. Find out in this guest post from Om Tandon – industry specialist, game consultant and UX Director.
Device 6 cover image
12 min read
#Game Deconstructions

14 low-budget, highly successful story games

One of the reasons why hyper-casual games are so popular is due to how quick and easy they are to make. Simple controls, artwork, and game design make it easy for any developer to pick up. But hyper-casual isn’t the only way to go. There are other ways to build a game on a budget. One way is narrative. We’ve talked a lot about how to add new layers to your games by simply layering in a story. And we discussed how you need three Cs: character, conflict and change for your narrative. This time, we’ll look at the top games that use storytelling as a core mechanic and show you that you don’t need sparkling design and intense gameplay to create a hit. You just need an extra C: Choice. Because choice is how you can differentiate a book...
Gamification in apps cover
7 min read
#Game Deconstructions

Top gamification examples in mobile apps

We learn by playing. When we enter the world, we’re full of curiosity, and play has always been at the centre of how we satisfy that curiosity. Sadly, it’s beaten out of us when we go to school, and taking tests suddenly becomes a chore. But it doesn’t have to be. It’s possible to learn while having fun. In fact, that’s exactly what some apps are doing. And it’s working. Games are the most popular genre on the app store. They’re masters in the art of keeping users engaged and happy. So how can we learn from them? What is gamification? You’ve probably heard the term ‘gamification’ before. But if you haven’t, it’s the act of taking gaming elements and mechanics and applying them to your non-gaming app. Often to ramp up retention and engagement. And it works. If we...
8 min read
#Game Deconstructions

Publishing Like a Pro: GameFam Spotlight

Roblox has been blowing up over the last couple of years. Having initially launched back in 2006, the social gaming platform now boasts over 30 million games (what they call experiences), 52 million daily active users, and over 12 million creators worldwide. Recently, we’re starting to see more and more hit games launching on the Roblox stores – with one particular publisher shining bright in the ocean of Roblox devs: GameFam. Despite only founding the company in 2019, they’ve worked with a range of Roblox developers and helped publish over 30 successful titles on Roblox. So what’s their secret? How do they help these developers stand out? We’ve reviewed three of GameFam’s top published games: Twilight Daycare by Night Studio, All Star Tower Defense by Top Down Games, and Car Dealership Tycoon by Foxzie. Each one of these boasts over one...
Six examples of hybrid casual games
7 min read
#Game Deconstructions

6 games that successfully layer in meta mechanics

As we’ve mentioned before, the hyper-casual market is being forced to change. With more competition, higher CPIs and tightening margins, developers need to increase their retention if they’re going to continue making money, now more than ever. And to do that, they must layer more mechanics and elements into their games. We’ve explored how and why developers can – and should – shift from hyper-casual to hybrid-casual. But if you’re still struggling to see how that might be possible, let’s look at a few games that have used meta mechanics to make their game more engaging. Here are six games that have a short, simple and satisfying core loop, but have layered in meta features to increase their retention. Let’s dive in. 1. Archero: How to add progression systems well Developed by Habby, released 24th March 2019. This was one...
Stumble guys cover
7 min read
#Game Deconstructions

How Stumble Guys hit 225m downloads

It’s no secret that Stumble Guys is heavily influenced by Fall Guys. When Fall Guys came out in 2020, it had many clones. But none of them stuck. And none of them even touched the amount of success that Stumble Guys achieved over the last few months. So what makes Stumble Guys different? Well, Kitka Games spent a lot of time polishing this title, layering in a range of social and meta-features to keep players engaged. Despite its rocky start (it only had a few thousand players for more than a year after it first launched), it’s now one of the top games on the app stores, with over 225 million downloads and $40 million in revenue. Not surprising then, that it’s claimed the number one spot in the charts for several weeks running. But how was Kitka Games so...