· 5 min read

Recent releases & Legacy tool sunset: What’s new and what’s next

In 2023 the updated version of GameAnalytics was released. Since then, we have released several updates based on your valuable feedback. We will continue listening and adding our focus where it matters most.

The legacy version of GameAnalytics (V2.5) will no longer be available from 1st of October.

We’ve been gathering feedback from users of our legacy platform to identify functionality they miss in the new platform. Most of the requested features are now available, with the remaining areas either in development or set to be released soon.

Read on to learn what has been added and what’s coming next.

Our previous updates

Recently added

Current day

Viewing live data was only possible via our real-time feature, showing data from the last 24 hours. Now, you can view all metrics for the current on-going day (UTC). Select the current day manually or click the toggle in the date picker to disable/enable. Metrics reported for the on-going day will update as the events are collected.

The date range selected and current day setting will now remain when navigating between dashboards and features.

Home screen metrics

The home screen was altered in 2023 primarily due to technical constraints. We’ve since made it a priority to reintroduce this in a scalable and reliable manner while making it possible to allow sorting of metrics.

Our first iteration displays DAU and MAU. Additional metrics per game will be introduced in Q4, with the ability to customize 3 additional metrics to display.

Filtering improvements

Additional filtering options are now available. You can filter by:

  • A/B Test and A/B Test Variants
  • Days Since Install
  • Install Cohort (day/week/months)

The UI for filter value selection has also been updated. Control the ordering, time period queried and use Shift+Click to select many filters at once.

Additional metrics

In Explore, you can access flexible querying using aggregation, filters, group by and split. However certain unique metrics require specific processing. To enable quick access, we’ve added the following unique metrics to Explore:

  • DAU vs. MAU
  • WAU (Rolling 7 days)
  • MAU (Rolling 30 days)
  • ILRD Count Per DAU
  • ILRD Revenue Per DAU
  • Conversion Rate

Retention can now be split by a global dimension, enabling analyses like Day1 retention per country.

In the new version, certain metrics are no longer hard-coded, offering much greater flexibility. This allows users to define a wider range of customized queries, unlocking new possibilities for data exploration and analysis.

The “Returning Users” metric in the legacy tool reported a line-chart per “Day since install”. This can be achieved in the updated tool by selecting “split by” via the global dimension “Days since install”.

This data can also be displayed as a bar chart using the “group by” option instead.

Dashboard filtering and split

Dashboard widgets can be filtered and split by any global dimension.

It’s also possible to expand a widget to full screen view and from there, transition to Explore to customize the metric further.


Reporting was recently introduced, making scheduling reports easier to manage and to provide better insights, which will be replacing the legacy email reports. You can manage all reports in one place, and create game-specific or organization-wide performance summaries to review on the go.


We have spent significant time developing our own charting code to unlock more flexibility in defining chart behavior and visuals, and the initial release is out now.

We received good feedback about how the tooltip from the legacy tool is preferred in both behavior and design. We agreed, and have introduced changes to reflect that feedback.

We’re working on introducing Map and Pie Chart visualizations.

A/B testing improvements

We’ve redesigned our A/B Testing for a more user-friendly and intuitive experience, and introduced a host of new features to improve your testing efficiency.

With the new metrics, real-time series charts, and improved control over test group sizes, you’ll gain deeper insights and better control over your experiments. Plus, you can now handle more variants with customizable sizes and set an end date to automatically complete your tests.

These updates are designed to give you more power and flexibility in your testing. Whether you’re customizing user experiences or tracking conversion metrics, our new module has the tools you need to make informed decisions and achieve better results. The new metrics include:

  • Playtime (Day 0 / Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5)
  • ILRD count per DAU (Interstitial, Day 0)
  • ILRD count per DAU (Rewarded, Day 0)
  • Ads shown per user (Rewarded, Day 0 / Day 3 / Day 7)
  • Ads shown per user (Interstitial, Day 0 / Day 3 / Day 7)
  • Total ads shown (Interstitial and Rewarded, Day 0 / Day 3 / Day 7)
  • PUR (Day 0 / Day 7)
  • Cumulative Revenue (Day 0 / Day 3 / Day 7)

Other improvements

  • Health: Realtime error reporting and histograms for FPS, App boot time, and Memory usage.
  • Top Performers: Listing top games by DAU, MAU, New Users or Revenue (IAP).
  • Engagement: Retention reporting with full control of start/return triggers (report returning users) and event actions (filter by users who sent specific events).
  • Organization API: Make programmatic updates to games, studios, and users.
  • Game Data Sharing: Access game data from your partner studios.
  • Realtime Data Export: Raw, player-level data delivered to your AWS or GCS bucket.

Coming soon

Our goal is always to meet your needs and create features that make a difference. We have a range of exciting updates in various stages of planning, design, development, and QA. Alongside the features discussed in this article, here are a few of the other updates that are just around the corner and nearly ready for you:

  • Report hourly granularity for all metrics from the past 15 days
  • Enabling weekly cohorts, followed by custom start/return triggers, event actions and additional metrics
  • Dashboard sharing within an Organization, with options to control user access and game availability
  • LTV (Day 0 / Day 3 / Day 7) metrics for A/B Testing

To stay up to date on the latest releases, check out our product updates here. If you have any thoughts or suggestions for future improvements, don’t hesitate to share your feedback with us through the feedback portal.