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Nikolaj Ahlberg-Pedersen

CPO at GameAnalytics
5 min read
#Tool & Product

Recent releases & Legacy tool sunset: What’s new and what’s next

The legacy version of GameAnalytics (V2.5) will no longer be available from 1st of October. We’ve been gathering feedback from users of our legacy platform to identify functionality they miss in the new platform. Most of the requested features are now available, with the remaining areas either in development or set to be released soon. Read on to learn what has been added and what’s coming next. Our previous updates GameAnalytics V3 now live GameAnalytics H1 Update: New Product Improvements GameAnalytics’ Journey to Analytics Excellence – H2 2023 Updates and Improvements Recently added Current day Viewing live data was only possible via our real-time feature, showing data from the last 24 hours. Now, you can view all metrics for the current on-going day (UTC). Select the current day manually or click the toggle in the date picker to disable/enable. Metrics...
product updates h2 2023
4 min read
#Tool & Product

GameAnalytics’ Journey to Analytics Excellence – H2 2023 Updates and Improvements

In the dynamic world of GameAnalytics development, evolution is the constant. While our recent endeavors have been focused on launching GameAnalytics Pro, our commitment to refining and enhancing our standard offerings for everyone never wavered. We are convinced that empowering game development starts by cultivating a sophisticated, cost-efficient, and powerful analytics ecosystem for developers and studios of all shapes, sizes, and budgets. Apart from the launch of GameAnalytics Pro, we’ve delved deep into refining key features, ensuring our platform meets and exceeds your expectations. From comprehensive portfolio overviews to advanced filtering controls and character limit expansions, each improvement has been meticulously designed to empower your decision-making and analysis, offering you a richer, more streamlined analytics toolkit to fuel your game development success. Let us walk you through these impactful releases available for everyone: Portfolio overview This new feature helps developers...
5 min read
#Tool & Product

Introducing GameAnalytics Pro – Your Gateway to Deeper Insights

We’re excited to share news about a new initiative we’re rolling out – GameAnalytics Pro. This step towards a paid offering comes from a place of necessity and aspiration. Our aim has always been to provide reliable, insightful tools to help your studio thrive. And to continue improving and expanding our offerings, we are introducing this new premium tier. With GameAnalytics Pro, we intend to augment our service via new tools tailored to meet the evolving needs of your studio. The new premium offer is completely optional. We remain fully committed to our free offering, ensuring every studio, big or small, continues to have access to solid analytics tools at no cost. GameAnalytics Pro is an extra option for those wanting to dive deeper into their data. Why are we launching Pro? The introduction of Pro is a significant move...
7 min read
#Tool & Product

GameAnalytics H1 Update: New Product Improvements!

It’s been a busy time since February, when the largest update in GameAnalytics history was launched. Read on for more information about what’s changed recently, and new functionality coming to the platform very soon.
8 min read
#Tool & Product

GameAnalytics V3 now live!

We’re excited to announce the release of GameAnalytics V3, our latest solution designed to make analytics easier, faster and more powerful for game creators looking to turn data into insights! V3 is now the default experience, so simply login today to check it out! Or, if you want to learn more about these improvements and see the full product release notes, read on.
6 min read
#Tool & Product

Our Open Beta has landed

What’s going on? If  you missed it before, we recommend that you check out this post we shared a few days ago for more context: GameAnalytics is changing… As promised, we will now deliver more detail on the Open Beta. We’ve included a video introduction and also a list of all major features describing what functionality is delivered initially and what additions to expect over the following months. See it in action In this video, Kasia from our product team gives a detailed overview of all the new functionality available in our Open Beta. It covers all key features — please give it a watch to get the most out of this update! What is the Open Beta? The Open Beta is a period of time when a new and separate version of GameAnalytics is available whilst features are being...
Navigating Web3 cover image
7 min read
#Ads & Monetization

Navigating Web3: What does it mean for Game Developers?

If you read tech news, you’ve probably stumbled on the term Web3. And you might be wondering what it means and how it could affect gaming. So let’s explore Web3 and the surrounding opinions. What is Web3? It’s all about ownership. The web has been going through gradual changes, ever since it launched. Web1 was where people uploaded websites with static pages and information. You simply read Web1. The next step was Web2, where users create their own content. Web3 is a prediction that users will begin to own digital content and have control over how they use it. But it’s also about decentralizing that ownership: making sure it’s not tied to any particular platform. (You don’t just own a movie on one platform, you own the right to watch it anywhere, for example.) “I was lucky enough to be...
6 min read
#VR & AR

Bring VR to your mobile game

Virtual reality has been a hot topic for a few years now. And although there are a few kinks to iron out, VR is starting to take its seat in the gaming industry – it now boasts around 171 million VR users worldwide. We actually support VR games. Our SDKs work out of the box for Oculus Quest games. You just need to download our SDKs as usual, but with one extra step. (But more on that below.) It still comes second place to most other types of gaming in the industry. (Mobile gaming is easily one of the top dogs, having generated $93.2 billion in 2021 alone.) But VR is a space to keep your eye on (or even dip your toes into). But how do you even get started developing VR games? What tools and skills will you...
3 min read
#Tool & Product

AdMob Integration, Raw Export and GameIntel Update

We’re coming to the end of the year, and what a year it has been. We’ll have a roundup blog coming out soon, but there’s still plenty to do and fill you in on before we start chatting about 2022. Recently, we’ve had a few major updates across all of our product lines. Here are the highlights: You can now analyze ad revenue from AdMob in your GameAnalytics account. We also added a new DataSuite to our product family, Raw Export. Ranking data for over 80 sub-genres is now available in GameIntel. So without wasting any more time with the intro’s, let’s dig into the main course. What’s new in GameAnalytics? We’ve created an integration with AdMob We partnered with Google’s AdMob to bring you Impression level revenue data (ILRD) from their network directly to your GameAnalytics tool. All to...
7 min read
#Data & Analytics

iOS 14 Opt-in-Rate Is Higher for Mobile Games

Earlier this year, Apple released iOS 14.5. It was the dreaded update among all app developers, studios, and publishers. If you wanted to access a user’s mobile identifier (IDFA), you had to ask for their consent specifically. If you’re unsure why this is important, the IDFA is used for advertising purposes. When Apple released the update, almost every user needed to opt-in (rather than out), hugely impacting advertising and ad revenue. (More about this here.) But we’ve seen some interesting findings about mobile game opt-in rate. Which is what we’re going to cover in this blog. We have data on Opt-in Rates We’ve read tons of articles and blogs within the industry over the past few months. All speculating what they think the Consent Opt-in Rate would be – especially for games. And for us, we don’t need to guess...
7 min read
#Data & Analytics

5 A/B tests to run during your soft launch

As we released A/B testing last month, we thought we’d share a few tips, tricks and ideas on how to make the most of your experiments. So put on your lab coat, fire up the flux capacitor and let’s get to sciencing. If you’re new to A/B testing, it’s a pretty simple concept. Send three variations of your game out into the wild: A, B and a control group. One group of your users sees A, another sees B and the last sees no change at all (your control group). You pit them against each other and see which performs better. It’s survival of the fittest in action. But when should you start your A/B tests? And what exactly should you be testing? Your soft launch is the Goldilocks zone Before you can start testing, you need players. And the...
4 min read
#Tool & Product

Will GameAnalytics work in iOS 14? Yes, and this is why

In Apple’s most recent WWDC privacy was a key topic. One of the big reveals in this area was that come September, when iOS 14 is released, users will be asked if they would like to allow or restrict data sharing per app. After this, the question on many developers’ minds is… What happens to my analytics? Will my reporting still work or will it be restricted? The answer, for GameAnalytics, is yes! Here is why. All our SDKs are ready for this (and have been for years) GameAnalytics always determines an identifier for each device that is sending data from a game. We call this the GameAnalytics User ID. This value is normally a device identifier (like IDFA on iOS), but when this is not available a random User ID is generated and used on all future data for...
6 min read
#Tool & Product

Introducing Organizations: Empowering New Functionality in 2020

We’ve been a bit quiet these past few months in regards to major product updates, but for good reason. Alongside new features and capabilities coming in 2020, we’re also updating how you’ll manage your accounts in our tool, with our new concept: Organizations. We’re launching the first version of this feature within a few days. Here’s everything you need to know. So, what is an ‘Organization’? In short, an Organization will be the heart of your GameAnalytics account. It will be a central place for managing your company, containing all your games and users (even multiple studios), and will function as a trusted environment for collaboration between your users. How our account management currently works At the moment, our account management is user-focused. This has worked for smaller companies and studios (those who deal with just a handful of users...