
Tool & Product

4 min read
#Tool & Product

Boost player satisfaction with enhanced health monitoring features

NOTE: Certain platforms send error events automatically if enabled, while others require manual sending. To start sending events for FPS, Boot time, and Memory, it is required to upgrade your SDK to Unity 7.8.0 or newer. Every game developer strives to deliver a seamless and optimized gaming experience. To support your efforts, we expanded the capabilities of Health reporting, introducing FPS (frames per second), Memory Usage management, and App Boot Time features. Complementing existing error messages and related charts, our health reporting toolset allows developers to delve deeper into their game’s performance metrics, identify areas for improvement, and ultimately enhance player satisfaction. Our health feature offers robust filtering capabilities, enabling developers to dissect performance metrics by country, build, and device. Such a granular level of analysis empowers developers to identify performance inconsistencies across different platforms and tailor optimizations accordingly. At...
3 min read
#Tool & Product

Running custom analysis in real time with Raw Export

If you want to optimize your games, improve user experience, and enhance monetization, insights are everything. Understanding player behavior, trends, and preferences can make or break a game’s success. That’s where GameAnalytics’ Raw Export comes in—an innovative feature allowing you to automate the export of your games’ data in its raw JSON format and transfer it in real time. Raw Export was developed with one goal in mind: to empower developers with a need to perform custom analytics. By providing immediate access to raw data, we enable developers to build internal tools without the need for extensive research and development time or infrastructure costs. Developers can, therefore, focus solely on extracting insights and driving their games’ success. Automate your data flow with Raw Export Raw Export is a cutting-edge service that automatically extracts and transfers your game’s raw data to...
4 min read
#Data & Analytics

Boosting mobile game performance with store ranking insights

Securing a coveted spot in the top charts can be a game-changer for developers. It opens doors to increased downloads, revenue, player engagement, and long-term success in the competitive mobile gaming world. To help you navigate the complexities of app stores, we developed the Store Intelligence platform. Store rankings are not just empty metrics; they provide valuable insights into player preferences, market trends, and the factors that drive a game’s success. Access to such metrics is especially important for developers and studios aspiring to get to the top, who do not have the resources for expensive data solutions and data scientists to help them translate acquired data into actionable insights. Together with our Benchmarks, Store Intelligence presents a tangible opportunity to understand your competitors’ strategies and how they turn them into engaging gameplay mechanics, monetization strategies, and more. The biggest...
4 min read
#Data & Analytics

Leveraging game industry benchmarks to scale your games

Achieving success when creating a game requires more than creativity and innovation. Knowing and correctly interpreting your KPIs is undoubtedly the foundation of making educated decisions during game development. And to support you on your data journey, we compiled a list of the 22 most essential metrics to keep an eye on. But while paying attention to your game performance cannot be overstated, it is equally important to deeply understand player preferences and industry standards. From performance comparison to trend identification, game industry benchmarks offer a grand scale to set realistic goals and expectations. Providing data and insights from over 140,000 game studios and developers, our Benchmarks are a powerful ally for game developers. The tool offers a wealth of information on key metrics such as retention, monetization, engagement, and advertising, enabling developers to understand player behavior and market trends...
3 min read
#Tool & Product

Decoding players’ patterns with engagement tracing

Addressing developers’ demands for more nuanced retention analysis, we created a solution beyond conventional retention metrics, empowering developers and studios to gain a deeper understanding of player behavior and refine their strategies for long-term success. Our engagement feature enables developers to filter retention based on various event types, offering a granular view of player behavior beyond standard global filters such as country or platform. By creating custom cohorts for retention, developers can tailor their analyses to specific in-game actions, answering critical questions such as whether users return after completing a particular level, making specific purchases, or investing resources in the game. Here is everything you need to know about this feature: Tracking event-based player retention While traditional retention metrics usually focus on install-based data, GameAnalytics’s Engagement feature allows you to filter retention based on player events. You can explore player...
product updates h2 2023
4 min read
#Tool & Product

GameAnalytics’ Journey to Analytics Excellence – H2 2023 Updates and Improvements

In the dynamic world of GameAnalytics development, evolution is the constant. While our recent endeavors have been focused on launching GameAnalytics Pro, our commitment to refining and enhancing our standard offerings for everyone never wavered. We are convinced that empowering game development starts by cultivating a sophisticated, cost-efficient, and powerful analytics ecosystem for developers and studios of all shapes, sizes, and budgets. Apart from the launch of GameAnalytics Pro, we’ve delved deep into refining key features, ensuring our platform meets and exceeds your expectations. From comprehensive portfolio overviews to advanced filtering controls and character limit expansions, each improvement has been meticulously designed to empower your decision-making and analysis, offering you a richer, more streamlined analytics toolkit to fuel your game development success. Let us walk you through these impactful releases available for everyone: Portfolio overview This new feature helps developers...
5 min read
#Tool & Product

Introducing GameAnalytics Pro – Your Gateway to Deeper Insights

We’re excited to share news about a new initiative we’re rolling out – GameAnalytics Pro. This step towards a paid offering comes from a place of necessity and aspiration. Our aim has always been to provide reliable, insightful tools to help your studio thrive. And to continue improving and expanding our offerings, we are introducing this new premium tier. With GameAnalytics Pro, we intend to augment our service via new tools tailored to meet the evolving needs of your studio. The new premium offer is completely optional. We remain fully committed to our free offering, ensuring every studio, big or small, continues to have access to solid analytics tools at no cost. GameAnalytics Pro is an extra option for those wanting to dive deeper into their data. Why are we launching Pro? The introduction of Pro is a significant move...
drunkn bar fight
#Case study

Insights in Action: VRMonkey’s Rise Fueled by GameAnalytics

VRMonkey, formerly known as Naked Monkey Games, embarked on a journey into VR a decade ago. Although their activities initially evolved around developing smartphone games, in 2015, after encountering Oculus Rift DK1, they decided to pivot fully into VR and AR development. Today, this indie studio comprises 40 dedicated team members who work on their own IPs and collaborate with renowned VR studios worldwide, including The Munky – creators of Drunkn Bar Fight. Among VRMonkey’s portfolio, their co-development of Drunkn Bar Fight stands out as one of their most successful ventures. This game is among the top 20 selling VR Games of all time, and it maintains a steady audience, with more than 100,000 MAU. During peak seasons and featured store placements, this number rises to 200,000 MAU. Harnessing the Power of Analytics VRMonkey recognized that they must fuel their...
Roamer Games
#Case study

Roamer Games: Powering Game Development by Combining GameAnalytics and AI

Roamer Games is the new kid on the game development block. They are all about creating a mid-core strategy game that would give you the thrill of Civilization in just a five-minute gaming session. Early in the production, their team figured that to create a hit title, they needed to understand players’ behavior on a granular level. That’s where GameAnalytics’ data tools came into the picture. This case study breaks down how Roamer Games used GameAnalytics combined with AI technology to level up their game development. Understanding Roamer Games’ Needs and Challenges The game Roamer Games had in mind was a cross-platform but mobile-first marvel. Think iOS, Android, and WebGL. It’s a blend of Civilization and Clash Royale – a strategy with a dash of action. The studio needed the lowdown on how gamers played their game right from the...
#Case study

How GameAnalytics Empowers HyperVR’s Immersive VR Games

Analytics is a crucial ingredient to perfecting your games. But it can be a pain if it’s not available for you in one place. That’s why HyperVR use GameAnalytics.
2 min read
#Tool & Product

GameAnalytics Secures CIPP Certification

Francesco and the Privacy Team at GameAnalytics play a pivotal role in protecting player information. With a deep understanding of EU law and privacy management, coupled with the CIPP/E certification, they oversee compliance operations for over 100,000 games. This team manages compliance related to standards such as ISO 27001, SOC2 Type II, COPPA, GDPR, ePrivacy Directive, and CCPA. Their dedication ensures game developers using our services are meeting top-tier data privacy and security standards. The role of privacy professionals in today’s digital age can’t be understated. They’re essential in managing privacy threats and ensuring information assets remain secure. The IAPP has set global standards in education and testing for privacy, with the CIPP certification being a prime example. The CIPP/E focuses on European data protection laws, enforcement models, and best practices for data protection. By acquiring this certification, Francesco aligns...
5 min read
#Tool & Product

Seamless Switching: Keep Your Game Insights Engine-Agnostic

The importance of data in game development is undeniable and crucial for optimizing user experience, player retention, monetization, and more. GameAnalytics helps over 60,000 gaming studios optimize and improve their games, offering a well-supported ecosystem of integrations whatever your dev tools of choice. When considering switching engines, the real challenge lies in preserving historically collected data, which serves as a compass guiding future game enhancements and decision-making. We understand these concerns and make sure that you can confidently switch between engines, knowing that your historical data remains intact and actionable.All you need to do is instrument your SDK of choice, and the data collection continues in our engine-agnostic platform, enabling you to make data-driven decisions and continually refine your games. To make it as easy as possible, GameAnalytics is compatible with a wide range of not only engines but also...
1 min read
#Data & Analytics

Event Design & Tracking Guide for GameAnalytics

Learn how to create an adaptable tracking plan, enabling you to unlock richer insights and maximize the value of your data within GameAnalytics.